Sunday, August 31, 2008
i finally brought my god-sis and my ex to come to terms in agreeing that thier bf is a 2 timer..hopefully, afa is convice bout it. Finally, tomorow will b the first day of puasa n im gettin ready both physcally n mentally. hopefully i would be able to make it until hari raya..
this might b my last post coz im gettin ready fo "O" lvl n stuff..
after this, i'll enjoy till the results..
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
wazz... fuck u la...
man..i hate today.some of you may know why. to those who dont know wats happening, let me briefly tell u. this mornin, my teacher was conductin a small FREAKING survey bout our night class. so, when he ask, we raised up our hands weather we agree or disagree. i dont wan to mention names but there is a particular person whom i dont wan to mention its name, was raising its hand eventhough this person did not go for the class..NOW WHAT THE HELL WAT THAT!!.. and then, my teacher ask for a suggestion on how can they improve. and so i suggested that the school should provide a some food as the muslims are gonna fast and some might no b able to buy food. some agreed to my suggestion while some kinda ignore it. when my teacher repeated the suggestion, this person was asking who gave that suggestion. some of my frens pointed at me. All of a sudden, this PERSON was sayin "dont make fasting month an excuse ah.." and after this person said that,it was then followed by the word "bodoh" or "stupid"
if your that smart then you should not be here!! even if this person did not say bodoh to me, it was only a freaking suggestion!! never attend yet can still open your mouth.. seriously, if i can put a huge mirror in front of u, u will realised wat u have done. now,only god can show wat u have done now..
Monday, August 25, 2008
hey guys..
sorry that i have not been updating the blog. i was kinda tired and busy..mostly bored actually.theres so many things that i wanna share with you guys only problem is, i cant due to blog censorship. Not by the Singapore media, but friends that i worth keeping. Since i dont want to be humiliated in a blog,why should i humiliate others. anyway, i dont know weather i have old you guys that my school had held their sports day at Tampines Stadium. Well, heres a picture that i gotten from my teacher's folder.

where is Mr.Ong?
its been raining these past few days. its really cold..shivering cold that is..i have started my revision which was suppose to be a long time ago. even i started now, its not in full gear cause it seems impossible. 1 way to help me is that i attend saturday maths class with miss Fong (Sounds like a TV show). while she was gettin some biscuit from the staff room, this is what we do.
Photos courtesy of Michelle yeo..thnx!

Wan and Zyk convert to Rappers..

Fatin's Alter-ego..a lady gangsta
jokes aside, i still need to study what i ever i needed my family and friends, please pray that my class and I would pass our 'O' lvl...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
After knowing my 'O' lvl results for mother tongue, i was shocked to see there was no boody have i done wrong? did i not follow all of what my teacher has thought me? i cant blame on the teachers though. I have put in my heart and soul and even trickles of sweat to the paper and yet, i got a C6 for it. Not even an improvement. instead of getting a nice solid B3, i got myself even worse. the funny thing is that those who gotten B3 wanted to retake and hoping to get an A. I seriosly dont understand them. Please guys, don't waste your time on retaking it. its not worth it..right now, im in a dilemma..should i retake or not?
I don't have much time left...
Friday, August 8, 2008
still tired..
3 days ago, things was quite fun. firstly, 1 of my friends from seoul garden (the place where i used to work) invited my friends and i t attend a sort of dinner. i did not have much money wit me but Shikin (my Seoul Garden friend) help to pay part of it.. thanks .. i enjoyed every part of it as i am with the company of my old buddies. when i first step in the place after months of not even peep in. Iskandar Shah, Iskandar nasri and I were kinda afraid to step in and we really were shy because its really been a long time and we were kinda of last minute invitation but we dont mind. man..the food there never change. Black pepper beef, Si Chuan Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, Char Siew chicken.. Hmm.. thinking bout it really makes me feel hungry. We catch up with what we have been doing for the last few months. we took some pictures for our memory keepsake. For Iskandar Shah, he bought something more then just a memory keepsake.. haha.. I wanted to put it up here but my sis's hp cable cant be found. I'll put it up when i found that darn cable.
This morning, Sports day was the thing that was happening in my school. My classmates and I was like shouting our heads off as some of us was running like their lifes were depending on it. Aadityat was running just like how he was suppose to. He was like a wait.. a stallion.. th guys was darn good to. we won some, we lost some. I took part in the Novelty event. we could have won against the teacher but some had disrupt the "flow" . anyway..i did get a medal as a token to remind me why i school..
Monday, August 4, 2008
Im gonna complile the events that happen since yesterday. Kinda lazy to update yesterday. on sunday, i woke at about 4pm..IN THE AFTERNOON!!! i slept at around 2am after talking to my gurl and playin Runscape (addicted sia..i blame my lil brother). I didnt know i was so tired that the last thing i remebered before entering slumber land was me walking on a very long pathway. I dont really know why. i actually lost some of my memories back then. when my mom ask me where did i go yesterday afternoon, i ask her "where did i go?". i didnt know sleeping could cause memory lost. i also nearly choke on my food cause my hands was trembling right after i woke up..danm.. As usual, i spent my time using the computer.
Monday, salleh told me about him going to Singfest. man..that dude is really privillage. i culd have been there only if I had that kind of money. As usual, my life gets normal and normal each day. what really ought to be mention here is that i had some flashback. Flashback of how I was beat in to a pulp by this god forsake muthafucker. I hate that fucking jerk so much as he was the cause of my family crisis. I still remember how i was pin as he punch me by the side of my face and pulled my hair. somehow, the flashback kept on going so much so that it distracted me from my maths class.
My head hurts right now..
Friday, August 1, 2008
* yawn *
after yesterday's event, i continued to feel real tired. i nearly slept in class.somehow, many of my friends are quite tired to. if many of my friends did not show up for night studies today, then it would be a surprise to me. i had to skip tonite's session because i cant handle it anymore.rather then i waste my time not learning anything, i'm better of doing something productive. today, what really raised my morale was that i have completed my part B coursework. (YES AH!!!) man..i felt, i have to concerntrate on my part A coursework. i am aiming my FnN subject to score at least a solid B3. it should do me good.
i just came back from buying my family dinner. the place that i went to was an indian restaurant. when i wanted to order some food, i notice the was a chinese guy working there. it kinda shock me to see different face and skin colour to work in an all-same race place. kudos to that guy who was working there. he kinda reminded me of Jin tha MC. he was like the only chinese rapper in the rap world. many kinda treated him unfairly but i know this dude do it by himself.well then, imma go and see what my darling is doing now.