Monday, August 4, 2008



Im gonna complile the events that happen since yesterday. Kinda lazy to update yesterday. on sunday, i woke at about 4pm..IN THE AFTERNOON!!! i slept at around 2am after talking to my gurl and playin Runscape (addicted sia..i blame my lil brother). I didnt know i was so tired that the last thing i remebered before entering slumber land was me walking on a very long pathway. I dont really know why. i actually lost some of my memories back then. when my mom ask me where did i go yesterday afternoon, i ask her "where did i go?". i didnt know sleeping could cause memory lost. i also nearly choke on my food cause my hands was trembling right after i woke up..danm.. As usual, i spent my time using the computer.

Monday, salleh told me about him going to Singfest. man..that dude is really privillage. i culd have been there only if I had that kind of money. As usual, my life gets normal and normal each day. what really ought to be mention here is that i had some flashback. Flashback of how I was beat in to a pulp by this god forsake muthafucker. I hate that fucking jerk so much as he was the cause of my family crisis. I still remember how i was pin as he punch me by the side of my face and pulled my hair. somehow, the flashback kept on going so much so that it distracted me from my maths class.

My head hurts right now..


posted by Psylent @ 4:41 AM