Monday, August 25, 2008
hey guys..
sorry that i have not been updating the blog. i was kinda tired and busy..mostly bored actually.theres so many things that i wanna share with you guys only problem is, i cant due to blog censorship. Not by the Singapore media, but friends that i worth keeping. Since i dont want to be humiliated in a blog,why should i humiliate others. anyway, i dont know weather i have old you guys that my school had held their sports day at Tampines Stadium. Well, heres a picture that i gotten from my teacher's folder.

where is Mr.Ong?
its been raining these past few days. its really cold..shivering cold that is..i have started my revision which was suppose to be a long time ago. even i started now, its not in full gear cause it seems impossible. 1 way to help me is that i attend saturday maths class with miss Fong (Sounds like a TV show). while she was gettin some biscuit from the staff room, this is what we do.
Photos courtesy of Michelle yeo..thnx!

Wan and Zyk convert to Rappers..

Fatin's Alter-ego..a lady gangsta
jokes aside, i still need to study what i ever i needed my family and friends, please pray that my class and I would pass our 'O' lvl...