Thursday, June 25, 2009
one more to week and im back in school! im so bored at home..doing nothing but to only surf the net every now and then. mendak habis..Yesterday, I when to Wild Wild Wet for the very first time with my old classmate and it was a blast! we had fun though it was raining a bit. It didn't stop us from having fun. Tomorow, my ITE classmates planed an outing im not sure if im goin cause, im out of cash..
*yawn* didnt sleep well these days..
Sunday, June 21, 2009
i've got 15 mins to say..
i've got 15 mins to say..
Friday, June 19, 2009
Today me,Isk and din wen to the airport to use their wireless there and to do some male bonding stuff. We catch up with each other days..problems..and I take back what i said,my fren should not get marry too soon
Isk and Din lepaking at the bubble tea shop at airport
so bored alrd
to my girl bestie..hope you find someone nice not like the last time
posted by Psylent @
10:55 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Yesterday, me and my ite classmate when to shisha again. It was at the same place but this time, the shisha got some kick into it
We then went walking to the esplanade and just chill by the bay. It was beautiful though it is next to all the construction for the new IR. when is it gonna open again??
We sat there and just enjoy the breeze..cant help but to think amidst the chaos of life, theres always beauty in even the small crook and cranny of something.
reached home at about 1145 and found out my gurl bestie was feeling down.hpefully she's alright..
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Today was my first Daiko lesson in school. I had to get up at bout 845 am this morning to get ready to go to school. I waited the bus for like 20 goddanm minutes till finally one comes by. Felt sorry that Ridhwan had to wait for me like half an hour..sorry dude.. He told me it have not even started yet so we chill and took our time before entering into the premises. There are other CCAs there like the school band which i have to recollection of them ever existed there. We had to take off our shoe before entering the place for clealiness sake. For those who does'nt know whats Daiko, its a japanese drum where you somtimes see on lion dance performance. It might look similar but both the Daiko and the lion dance drum sounds a bit different..I think..haha..
The first song we practise titled "Ren Shu". I have no idea what it means. There was a lot of banging and hitting the side of the drum. It was quite difficult at first cause its been a long time since i last seen a score sheet in front of me but I finally got the hang of it. My right arm is ok when it says to hit with your right hand. But when it comes to my left hand, it was a bit difficult. It was only a 1 hr sessionfor starters. I guess i'll be going more session in the future..
I hope..
Friday, June 12, 2009
I dint go to school today. There wasn't much to do cause i've finish my project. Ms gay (yes, thats my lecturer's name) told us to come back to check the result for the class test. I took the day off. Wanted to start the holidays early. I've quited my touch rugby CCA. It was fun for me. Enjoyed most of the time spent. The reason for my departure is simple. Im pissed with one of them and rather then venting out my anger on that person, it's better that I go before anything happens.
This afternoon, I met up with Din and me chill under a blk for a while. We then went to my house to help me do my blog skin. Kinda troublesome..Din even left me a note saying "azahar kental" . THANKS JACKASS!!!
This coming tuesday, hakim invited us to go Shisha. I dont really have enought cash with but we see how la..
Monday, June 8, 2009
Last sat, me and my friends when to shisha after going to the Escape Theme park. We had a lot of fun there. i did saw a few ex-siglapians there working. Din suggest that we should work there. I don't mind at all. We when to shisha straight after having lunch. Daniel bought to this place near the place that I used to shisha with my class mates. There, we sat around and played games just to keep us occupied and past time.

Me and the boys..

Got to much to smoke

Hakim's date..
the lighting of the place was blue so..the picture turns out blue.
As we were walking out of th place, I saw Ayu, Arini and her friend was also taking in the pleasure of the shisha..My heart fluttered the moment I saw Ayu. She was fly that night. I wanted to ask her number but I was too shy but my friends encourage me and this shisha promoter guy also help me out in my situation. I finally muster up the courage and so..I finally got it!!!
so..thats how i spent my weekend. On Sunday, I slept the day away..