Monday, June 8, 2009
Last sat, me and my friends when to shisha after going to the Escape Theme park. We had a lot of fun there. i did saw a few ex-siglapians there working. Din suggest that we should work there. I don't mind at all. We when to shisha straight after having lunch. Daniel bought to this place near the place that I used to shisha with my class mates. There, we sat around and played games just to keep us occupied and past time.

Me and the boys..

Got to much to smoke

Hakim's date..
the lighting of the place was blue so..the picture turns out blue.
As we were walking out of th place, I saw Ayu, Arini and her friend was also taking in the pleasure of the shisha..My heart fluttered the moment I saw Ayu. She was fly that night. I wanted to ask her number but I was too shy but my friends encourage me and this shisha promoter guy also help me out in my situation. I finally muster up the courage and so..I finally got it!!!
so..thats how i spent my weekend. On Sunday, I slept the day away..