Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tired sia..
waz... so danm tired after my school track HEATS.. *yawn* the event was alright eventhough my home boyz and me did not win anything for the 4x4 event. this is only the qualifying round. if any of you were there, you know why we lost. but still, it didnt matter if we won because the idea of my friends and I join the team was because we had try track event and we just wanna have fun. to us, it dont matter anymore because we are the graduating classes and we just want to make full use out of it. it also includes having for 75 and above kilogram boys to run the 4x4. Right now, my legs are tired and wobbly..
sry i have not been updating the blog. i couldnt log on to the internet because of this stupid broadband modem that my dad sign for it. I think its time for us to change to a different broadband thingy. and whats worse, my phone line gave me problem. my gurl couldnt contact me in anyway 2 nites ago.i have not yet top up my prepaid..haix..anyway, tomorow is friday and to all FnN students, it means the deadline for part B for me, i just need to write 1 more page of conclusion ..
Sunday, July 27, 2008
its been nearly a week now. Tomorow is monday and everybody know what does that really means..for some of us, its back to the yelling of the boss, a time where some of us had to pretend to achive a goal, and a time to trying to start a new. right now, im tryin to finish my FnN course work part B. its due this friday and i have yet to print them pictures. im kinda working under preassure now. i just need to sort out my priorities now. this means that i have to quit what ever online games that im playing like Habbo hotel and stuff. i never knew this but i seem to be disliking the Habbo hotel that im currently playing. back in the days i love habbo hotel so much that i had to steal money just so i could play in cyber cafes. i made lots of people there. but after i have not been playing last year, many change. many of the old schools are gone. the only people that was there is my god-sis Atika and my most beloved Zuraiha.
back to reality. i still have not pack my bag and i also have not iron my school uniform. so tired after having to stare at the computer screen.. OH SHIT!! I DIDN'T STUDY FOR THE MATH TEST!! i better be off now..
Friday, July 25, 2008
Today, i had a weird feeling someting unexpected is about to happen. when i was walking t school from the West Plaza, i walking at the bus stop ear my school until 2 men dressed formally,wearing ties was handing out this small little blue bible book. i was shock when they offer it to me and the other students openly. I refused it and just walk away. i cant belive they would do such thing. i dont mean to be rude but what my displine master said is true. We have to respect each others religion. its best not to offend anyone or we would be in big trouble. It also made me realize to always pray and stuff..
after my friday prayers, i when home, change my clothes and when off. Me and Mitch board the bus. after entering pasir ris, this dude was alighting. when he step away from his seat, i saw his HP on the seat, mitch grab the fon while i was callin the dude.he didnt turn and no i chase him to the first deck. he left before i could call out him out. the fon rang and me and mitch told him to meet at our school so that we could return it to him.
after returnin it, he gave me $10 but the both of us turn it away. kindness is not sumthing that could be repay by money. i myself dont wan my HP to loss and not return once found. kinda put myself in his own shoes..
Thursday, July 24, 2008
24 July 2008
*yawn* better control in using my maptop.I tend to use it till late nite.hardly study at home..haix..nothing much happen in school.same old..same old..Cant think of what to write now..wait,i remember something.our last period was chemistry and so we waited for the teacher.waited fo like 10mins but she didnt appear. Instead of studyin or revising our work, a bunch of my friends played tag int he class.running around the class and all. I dont mind them at all but kinda envy the next class cause they're hard,studying..
rite now, im thinking of what to do next..*yawn..*
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
23 July 2008
Have you ever had a conflict which ends up having the whole class, (excluding the female species) to be your back up..well, thats what hapen today. this particular class that we are having a fued had all started 2 days ago. When someone who is of a high authority, comes in to solve the conflict, none of the other side should bear grudges or what so ever.People will do stupid stuff just so that they could release their anger.The only thing that i can say is kids would always be kids.
it was a boring day for me,i slept almost all of the lessons in class. I should be studyin though but nothing much goes to my brain. I'll probably have to cut down on the duration of me using my laptop..I better get started on my FnN coursework. *yawns..*
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
22 July 2008
It was 1 tired day was not bad thiugh im kinda worried cause m y darl is realy pissed by me.I have to tell her that im sorry for causing her to be mad.Back in school, many of my friends was really shocked of my new hair do.I too could not belived on what had just happened to me. The "V" at the back of my head has attracted quite an attention. I told them its a peace sign for the people. Some foretold of such prophecy where a boy with a "V" shape cut on the back f his head will have the world..(haha..yeah rite..)
having friends is definite stress reliever.While doing studyin in the canteen with my the others,I talk and joke like there was no tomorow.It mwas a mundane task just to focus on the stuff that I was suppose to. Yet,im so tired after talking so much crap. friday is the deadline for m part B coursework for FnN. I still need the danm pictures to write my stuff..
Monday, July 21, 2008
21 July 2008
hey..guess what,i juz got a FREAKING HAIRCUT.. it was tha shit man..a bunch of my friends came to my house.Faiz imran brought this shaver equipment and began to plug it in.It was kinda weird having a bunch of your friends cutting ur hair.While waiting for my sis to upload the pic, imma tell you guys my not so boring day.
Not much interest there was today.I learn, I eat, I talk. There was a bit of a conflict but hey, if there wasn'st any then it would be quite boring. Though it was raining this afternoon, i just walk back home. There is a quote that i have just thought about after this blog. I have thought many things as i walk under the rain. Though i was wet, it is the only way for me to feel human.. (why the hell do I sound so emo..)
anyway, heres the photo that ma man took after the haircut. I was kinda hoping for a good mohawk but den, it looks weird and so i decided to shave it of. This is the result..

well, I'll tell you whats the peoples verdict about this hairsyle. Its a crude haircut but hey, its the people who i have known since 2004..
(Dalai Lama probably would be pissed if he sees this pic..Haha..)
" Rains are like faling pieces of mirror. It lets you reflect on the things you have done and things you are about to do. "
- Psylent
Sunday, July 20, 2008
wazzup! was a great day though i have'nt been studying (shit...) first thing in the morning,i washed up den wen str8 o the computer to watch Naruto Shippuden. thats like my most favourite anime that i ever watch (thanks izwan and amirul..) didnt had much to eat so juz downloaded lots of naruto to fill my empty stomach.
later in the afternoon, my uncle gave me a secondhand fujitsu tablet laptop or so.. i have to idea wat its name is but i know that IM LOVIN IT!!. i've always wanted 1 and now i have gotten it. im thankful for that. i was thinking of watchin batman on Channel5 though i have watch it but then, having a laptop is way to cool for it.
tomorow is monday and school starts.better do some maths revision cause of this maths test thats gonna b conducted everyday monday..haix..
Saturday, July 19, 2008
the begining..
hey guyz..
at last,im connected to the world!! its been a long time that i have been isolated from the world wide web.. man..its lyk 12:18 here and my eyes are startin to water.i just came back from city hall after haelpin my buddies taking photo of the fireworks during the national day parade preview show. it was raining but it didnt dampen our spirit.kinda tired from all that stuff.well,thats it from me tonite. btw, i've never really update my blogs previous times coz of laziness. this year, its gonna be different. i'll try my best to update it as soon as posible