Friday, July 25, 2008
Today, i had a weird feeling someting unexpected is about to happen. when i was walking t school from the West Plaza, i walking at the bus stop ear my school until 2 men dressed formally,wearing ties was handing out this small little blue bible book. i was shock when they offer it to me and the other students openly. I refused it and just walk away. i cant belive they would do such thing. i dont mean to be rude but what my displine master said is true. We have to respect each others religion. its best not to offend anyone or we would be in big trouble. It also made me realize to always pray and stuff..
after my friday prayers, i when home, change my clothes and when off. Me and Mitch board the bus. after entering pasir ris, this dude was alighting. when he step away from his seat, i saw his HP on the seat, mitch grab the fon while i was callin the dude.he didnt turn and no i chase him to the first deck. he left before i could call out him out. the fon rang and me and mitch told him to meet at our school so that we could return it to him.
after returnin it, he gave me $10 but the both of us turn it away. kindness is not sumthing that could be repay by money. i myself dont wan my HP to loss and not return once found. kinda put myself in his own shoes..