Friday, October 30, 2009
New Perspective - Panic At The Disco
HELLO!!..miss blogging.
These few days has been great for me. Just got my first pay. It feels really fulfilling after working so hard and having to make all of those mistakes just to learn from them. I even waited at the ATM machine just to check my salary to roll in..haha! Right now, Im looking forward in having a gerbil as a pet. Gerbil is a type of rodent which are found in the desert. Its also known as a "dessert rat" because of its similarities of a mice. I was thinking of adopting only one but then, the person said I should adopt 2 as they are social animals and the get along well with their kind.
This morning, I went to the ICA building to get my passport done. The plan was that after the passport thing, Dan and I make our way to downtown to catch a movie but then, somehow along the way of yesterday, they cancelled the plan and leave me hanging like that. Even Dan was shock to hear it..end up we walk around doing nothing much. Bestie then came. When to get Ben and Jerry ice cream follow by walking around Orchard Central. All of a sudden, I have the urge to buy an Ipod Shuffle and so..I BOUGHT ONE!!
Now, bus and train rides won't be a boredom anymore..