Friday, January 16, 2009

All the braging and the hating i despise.

Everything is crazy...

crazy crazy crazy crazy.....C RRR AA ZZYY.....C to the r to the a to the z to y..

well this is my daily routine.....whenever i blog ...meaning im at the airport with my cuz... with our laptop......

This week well is some week. On monday we just received our many of you may know.....yeah i flung my exam big so bumped.....especially seeing my friends pass and all...Its kinda sux but surprisingly i can handle it well to the face the reality...and i opened my heart to have a look at the ITE courses with the help from my form teach MR Ralph Ong ...

Me,shah and lijia always study together and talking about poly stuff and all almost everytime we met....its just sux i didnt make it. yeah shah keep on asking if im ok...of cos i say i am.....theres nothing he can do really to change anything....he feel kinda bad ...but i understand hes eagerness....he failed once...he stay back once...he know the feeling people going up but not him so yeah.....he advice me and i heard he advice haniz too...He advice me and haniz to retake....hanis maybe considering....maybe me too....but im going ite first....

The next day...... i met shah to use laptop to register online....well he poly me ite ...... i choose 6 choice only ...not all 10....shah advice me to fill up all 10 but i seriously ive no idea what course other than this 6 ........then i register .....go to ite site .....type my name ...just a click a way my life change and ite is obviously my life journey.....

and shah is being nonsensical cos he considering to be a blonde with fucking pierce lower lips .....fuck off iskandar shah.....its freaking ugly.....,.. and ya i say it right of his face - so theres no backstabbing thing around here. ...haha lek la..he was beside me when im blogging.

Yesterday, me, shah and lijia met....ok so i was biggie......its not always...he was there one hour earlier with lijia...smoking with lijia like 5 cig in less than an hour with some strange method and technic.....i must was fun watching them doing it......haha.... den we talk cock....den go arcade was fun....they are my all time fav people.

OK.. TODAY is the end of the registeration online!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you guys already register ....JC / MI / POLY / ITE ....cant wait for 31 january 2009...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This the date that we all know our future school.....

So i watch womanizer ... i like it but i like circus more ... hmmm maybe i should sealed my room with no fan or aircon.....and lie down on my bed and sweat myself out nude ..just like BS in womanizer. was shah idea of me to loose weight...Sauna...but britney style.

Word of advise :

In a moment, everything can change..for a minute all the world can wait....let go of your yesterday...

haha crap..

suddenly im thinking of dawn. dono why

45 cent aKa Simi wonder.

posted by Psylent @ 5:26 AM |Post a Comment| 0 comments|