Thursday, November 27, 2008
FINALLY... after 2 weeks of not join online, i finally got my chance and im finally got a place to sit in the library. Anyway, ive gotten myself a job. As a dispatcher. Means that i travel all over singapore to sent things to the company. Got it from my dad. The moment he offered me the job, I got hired on the spot. I had to get up bout 0730 am and wait for my dad to drive the lorry. I thought it was gonna be fun was boring.the only person that I talk to was my dad. Now, its come to a week and i was able to talk to a few people. It was hilarious to see my dad and this security guard talking togather. My dad would disturb people but bearly pisses them off. On the scale of 1-10, his road rage is about 11 and a half. This guy would throw all sorts of vulgar at the driver if the driver is to stupid to drive. He also disturb pedestrian because they walk so slow. But still, his a nice guy. My work time is from 10 - 6. I just hope the pay is worth the time and effort. Today, dad got himself a bubble wrap that has bubbles the size of a 50 cent coin. I took it and pop it. Dad told me to stop it give it back. 5 mins into driving, he pop a few and laugh. Cant belive he did it for his own enjoyment.
I finally wrote a song about my class. so guys, hopefully i'll b able to release it in my blog aite..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Graduation nite for me was nice. Didn't really expect anything. It was great meeting my friends after a few days of not meeting em. Well..let the pic do the talking..

sat at table 5

baik dok...haha

sinead n michelle

my heroines!!! beutiful aren't they..

gonna miss this dude

never gonna forget that special nite

Presenting Mr and Miss Siglap!!

The Ex-N2
After the partying, we when to Changi, had something to eat they we stay at the beach till 6 in the morning.

Sugar Cane..good stuff..
Never gonna forget that night n my friends..
posted by Psylent @
11:58 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
hey guys!! man..THE EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!! phew..i nearly took suicide pills cause it was so stressfull. Though it was the exam times, i still manage to go out somwhere just to clear my mind. Lucky i have friends that i could rely on when im down. Speaking of down, my internet was down and im unable to use it. whats, worse, my mom place a password on the thing itself. ARGH!! I dont whats her problem.Its one thing that she chat with some people in the internet and not doing much house work but its a nother thing to shut me out of the web.
Right now, im in the Tampines library, exploiting thier WIFI. Till then, I'll see what I can do to access the net at my home. This friday is a special day for the graduating classes cause its gonna be our graduation night. Im excited bout it cause its the last (or not so last) time we gonna see each other. Im onna take a few pictures of how excited we are.